Thread: Quotable Quips
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Old 07-06-2006, 08:10 AM   #19 (permalink)

Resident Movie Critic
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Seelow ☆ Overnight Celebrity ☆ Perky! ☆ Harley Quinn

Disclaimer: This was before the big fight in TLC

Originally Posted by meeee
Francesca walked towards the back of the train with no success in finding a compartment in the front. She had to kick about three people just to get to the back of the train. Her eyes darted around until she found a compartment that looked empty to her. She opened the compartment door and plopped down into a seat. She threw her stuff across the compartment under the seat and continued to look around at the people walking the aisles.

Originally Posted by Will aka parvatifan

Sebastian sighed and entered an empty compartment. He had been talking to Erin and Falas, but had told them he was going to see if he saw someone else he knew. When he came back to the compartment, they were gone.

He turned around to sit and realized a Slytherin girl that was kind of familiar sitting on the seat. "Oh, sorry," he said, turning to leave.

"It's fine. You can go ahead and sit down. I don't really bite." Francesca said staring at the boy. For some reason, he looked oddly familiar. She was waiting on something in her mind to click and tell her where she had seen this guy before but it just wasn't working. She was in another unconventional outfit so she didn't have to worry about the skirts. She looked down at her boots and got a scuff mark off of them where she had just recently kicked some kid out of her way.
He shrugged and sat down near the window, looking outside at the river they were passing over.

He looked over at her, trying to think of something to say. "Nice boots."

Francesca snorted when the boy complimented of all things her boots. She had bought the boots before she had been introduced to the wizarding world in Europe. She was glad she came this term because it was a definite change from her life in New York.

"Thanks, I suppose. I've had them for a few months. I'm Fran."

"I'm Sebastian," he said. Her name sounded so familiar. Like something from a dream....Or a dream of a dream...

Francesca turned her head away from Sebastian and her eyes suddenly widened. She just remembered where she knew him from. That's the kid we hexed in the library that day! Looks like he doesn't remember anything. Whew. Fran you're free for now.She smiled as she turned her head back towards Sebastian.

"Pleasure to meet ya."
OoC: Kay was complaining about something not happening....

This time Sebastian stretched out her hand and shook her hand. When he touched her hand, something rushed over him...old memories...stuff that happened that he didn't remember. Everything was going on fast-forward, before...

He rolled off his seat and started writhing....boils appeared on his skin and his teeth began to grow...

He remembered where he knew he from, the suddenly the boils dissapeared and his teeth shrunk. She had taken his memory from him...becuase of one comment he had made in a class.

ooc: why does that not surprise me? Kay, wherever you are, I LOVE YOU.

Francesca shook his hand and jumped back when he rolled off the seat into the floor. Something was going on with this kid and she had no idea what it was. She gave him a look as if he were crazy or on some form of drugs.

"Umm are you okay dude? You don't look so good."

As if he really looked that great before you hexed him anyway. She knew she would probably have to make an escape so she attemped to reach for her bag while tyring not to touch the guy.
Sebastian came back into awareness as she started to leave the compartment. "Oh no you don't," he said, reaching out and grabbing her leg, making her trip and fall to the ground.

He reached up for the sill, still weak and pulled himself up. There, he leaned against the sill looking down at her.
Francesca suddenly fell to the floor with a loud thud. She snarled and rolled over to where she was looking up at the source of her fall. She glared at the boy looking straight into his eyes. She couldn't exactly get up at the moment. She tried to maneuver her legs to where she could kick him but it was no good. She was boxed in.

"Let me leave now. I don't know what your problem is but I would love to get my bag."

Sebastian stood up, still a little sore. She was older and stronger, but he had the advantage. "Accio bag," he said and it zoomed to him.

"I want an explanation first," he said. "Of why you are so horrible to people."
Francesca looked at him like he was crazy. What in the world was he talking about? All she knew was that he had her bag and she wanted it right now.

"I honestly don't think I should have to explain my intentions to you of all people. I'm only mean to people that make me mad. Now can I go please?"

She was getting agitated at this situation because she was not at an advantage right now. He had her bag and he remembered who she was. This was not looking too great for Francesca.

He tossed her her bag. "You don't deserve it, but I forgive you," he said. He wasn't about to harm her, that's just what she wanted and probably why she was so cruel. Also, it wasn't like him. "You do make me sick though."

"Oh believe me, the feeling is mutual." Francesca said darkly as she caught her bag and walked out of the compartment. The kid remembered who she was. He could try to use what he did to her in that compartment against her next term. She shuddered at the thought and found another empty compartment to sit in. Next term would definitely be interesting because Sebastian had overtaken Francesca for a slight period of time and he could tell people about that. Francesca couldn't have that. No way could that happen.

I will so be back in a bit for LC fight posts.

was this life a gift or a burden?
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