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Old 07-05-2006, 03:38 AM   #2 (permalink)
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The kettle whistled loudly, drowning out the sound of Mad-eye's creaking old limbs. He jumped up and drew out his wand. "Where are you, show yourself! I'm warning you, I'm armed!" He looked around the room crazily before noticing the kettle.

He sighed loudly and sat back down, suddenly there was a clatter behind him and he spun around shouting again. He noticed an owl perched in his window and he eyed it suspiciously. "How do I know your not an animagus? Show yourself, I tell you, show yourself!" The owl stared at him beadily before sticking out it's leg.

"And what is this, eh?" Moody said loudly. He took the letter off the owls leg and in a confusion of wings, was gone. Moody opened the letter carefully making sure it wasn't another one of the cursed ones he had gotten last week. It wasn't, it was an invitation to Potter's 26th Birthday party.

"So Potter's having a party, we'll see about that. That boy needs to learn about CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Moody roared the last part sending a flock of birds flying outside his window. He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Hmmmm a party, I wonder
Life is what you choose to make it
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