Technically technical all the time Bookaholic
Kristi got up with a not so gentle push from Marce and brushed herself off. Her face had turned a bright red. She hurried off to the library to find a book on centaurs, but when she got there, she remembered that she had left her ingredients list right out in the open on her bed in the dormitory, if anyone read it...
She racked her brain trying to think if there was any incriminating evidence written on the parchment as she ran back to the dorm, knowing that Marce could be in there right now reading it.
Lacewig flies, water, honey, etc, those are harmless. Powdered Unicorn Horn, Boomslang skin, blood of a centaur, I don't think I wrote down anything specific, but those are definitely not supplies a student should have their hands on.. darn- the vile of unicorn horn she had nicked from the store in Hogsmeade was in the unlocked drawer of her bedside table!
Blast from the past! |