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Old 07-03-2006, 02:38 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Well, hello there. This fic is cute. I like it and love the Mauraders. Where's Peter though? although, wait, don't answer, i don't care for him. he's all icky! Umm, quesion. How do you pronounce 'Keke' 's name? i'm all confuzzeled. Anyways, i think i'm getting it.

Sirius likes Keke? Or the other way around.

Does Remus like Keke? I think so, but i've been really wrong about these things in the past...wait, i think i heard that on t.v once...hmm.

Is Keke flirting with James? What about Lily, James? Huh, huh?

As i said, i've been wrong before, as much as i hate to admit to being wrong. heeh.

so, post soon

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