tripped. He looked down at all the boxes and sighed heavily. Why did no one remember his birthday? Slowly he started packing up box after box.
-While back at the Ministry-
"No Ginny don't put that there, someone will knock it over." Ron said with a frown before turning back to the decorations he was putting on the wall.
Hermione walked over and helped Ginny move the cake to a new location. They stood back and admired the transformation of the office. All the cubicles had been moved so the room was open. Ron nodded with approval and turned back to the decorations.
Ginny turned to Hermione and said, "Do you think he suspects anything? I really want this to be a surprise." She looked so anxious that Hermione laughed.
"Don't worry Gin, he doesn't suspect anything. He probably just wonders why no one wished him a happy birthday."
"Oh I do hope he's not mad that i'm making him pack up boxes, mum was quite happy to have an excuse to have someone help her." Ginny grinned and turned back to the cake.
-at the burrow-
Harry walked down the steps when he finished packing the boxes and went over to Mrs. Weasley and said, "I'm just going to head back to work now that i'm done."
"Oh wait Harry can you go try and get that goul out of the attic? I would try, but i'm just so busy down here."
With a sigh Harry turned and headed back upstairs to battle the goul. He walked up the steps slowly wishing someone would remember his birthday. For a moment her thought maybe he had gotten the day wrong and his birthday wasn't till tomorrow. He rushed to one of the spare rooms and looked at a calandar. Nope it was his birthday.
He sighed as he continued back up the steps towards the goul. He was still hoping that maybe this was a dream he would wake up from. As he reached the stairs to the attic he
Life is what you choose to make it