Thread: Harry Potter: Story Party 1: Harry Prepares - Sa9+
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Old 07-01-2006, 04:11 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Hedwig was irritated and Harry fumbled for an owl treat as 7:00 approached. He could barely think over the owl's demanding screech, and he was going to be late for work. Successfully feeding his fowl companion, Harry ran down the stairs of his small flat, teeth carefully holding a piece of toast, his arms flailing to get through his Ministry robes. He grabbed his wand and his briefcase, looked around the living room, sure he had everything, and with a CRACK! he and his piece of buttered toast were on their way to work.

Walking down the corridor to his office, he passed Ron's office in Magical Games and Sports. He was surprised when he found Hermione sitting next to him, both in whispered tones, not a scent of argument in the air. Puzzled, Harry cleared his throat. The both of them jumped unnecessarily, and their conversation came to an immediate halt as they spotted their best friend.

"Hi Harry," they both almost whispered. Hermione averted eye contact, but a small smile played on her mouth, and Ron's ears were red. Hermione declared she had to go to her desk, and left in a hurry. Harry couldn't help but feel a little hurt when she had not bothered to utter him best wishes on his 26th birthday. It seemed that Ron, too, had either forgotten or was deliberately refraining from saying anything as well.

Harry turned suspiciously to Ron, and...

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