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Old 07-01-2006, 03:58 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Neville Forgotten
Fan Fic Queen

Neville walked to class mournfully. In all of the excitement of the summer, almost everyone had forgotten his birthday. His Gran had nonchalantly wrapped a Dark Detector for him, but none of his friends said a word.

He rounded a corner, almost knocking into Ron. Without a word, Ron slipped him a note that read, "Meet me in the prefect's bathroom!" Neville saw that Ron had left. Confused, Neville headed to the bathroom. Just before he opened the door, the Dark Detector in his pocket whistled. Something suspicious was behind that door. Nervously, he opened the door.


Warning: It's tough to get just 100 words, but I managed to do it!

Okay, my gifts:

Luna Lovegood, a Niffler, and the Greenhouses.


Last edited by r+h4ever1; 07-02-2006 at 05:44 AM.
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