Join Date: Jan 2006 Location: Port Angeles, WA
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Maya Aqua First Year |
Hey, thanks for the compliments! Here's the next chapter.
Fight Against Voldemort II Part 2
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George Apparated over to the Riddle house. It looked the same way as it did in Harry's dreams.
"Okay, Hermione," Harry said facing Hermione, "You go and get back up, Ron, George, Fred," he faced them, "You guys go and take care of any Death Eaters that might be lurking around here."
"But, what are you going to do?" asked George.
"I'm going to find Ginny and the kids." said Harry.
"But you can't go by yourself." said Hermione.
"Hermione, you can't help me because your eight months pregnant and you're due any day now," said Harry, "And Fred, George, and Ron have to fight the Death Eaters here which might not be a problem since there might not be that many here, but still, their going to need as much help as they can get if they're more."
"But Harry-"
"Just go, Hermione."
Hermione hugged Harry and Apparated.
"Okay, let's go." said Harry.
Harry, Ron, Fred, and George quietly walked into the Riddle House.
"You guys better look around." whispered Harry, "And if anything happens, get yourselves out."
"You mean, without you?" asked George.
"Yes, just go." Harry whispered.
Fred, George, and Ron quietly walked around the house while Harry walked up the stairs. He walked up the stairs as high as high as they cold go until there was a landing with a bedroom door ajar where he heard voices coming from it, Harry quietly walked over to the door and listened in on what was going on.
"I'm going to kill you, Ginny." said a voice from a man that Harry hadn't heard in five years, "I'm going to make you and Potter pay for killing my father."
And unexpectingly, Nagini slithered past Harry's ankels and into the room.
"Harry Potter is outside the door, My Lord." the snake hissed
"And speaking of Potter, Crucio!" said the man's voice.
Harry felt an escrutiating pain going through his body, and he fell forwards towards the floor, knocking the door out of the way. The pain stopped and Harry saw that a Ginny and the babies were in the room and there was also a man that looked alot like Tom Riddle.
Earliar, before Harry was descovered...
Voldemot II raised his wand, aimed it at Ginny, and said, "Crucio!"
Ginny fell on the floor writhing and screaming. Voldemort II jerked his wand away from Ginny and her pain stopped. She layed on the floor, panting and struggling to get up.
"That hurt, didn't it Ginny?" mocked Voldemort II.
Ginny didn't answer, she wasn't going to play his games.
"I'm going to kill you, Ginny." He said, "I'm going to make you and Potter pay for killing my father."
A hissing sound filled the room
"And speaking of Potter," said Voldemort II, raising his wand at the door and saying, "Crucio!"
Harry's yell could be heard in the house and Harry fell through the door and ont the floor, writhing and yelling in pain until Voldemort II raised his wand away from Harry to stop the curse.
Ginny rushed over to Harry to see if he was okay and helped him up.
"Hello, Harry," said Voldemort II, "Remember me?"
"Lord Voldemort II." Harry said looking at him with the deepest loathing, "Long time no see."
"And I think you remeber your children?" Voldemort II asked gestering the corner, in the corner, Nagini was holding Lily in her coils, but Harry could tell that she wasn't squeezing because Lily was asleep.
"You wouldn't dare." said Ginny glaring at him.
"Oh, wouldn't I?" Voldemort II asked. He looked at Nagini and said, "Feeding time."
Nagini started to squeeze Lily and she woke up and cried along with James.
"Leave her alone!" Harry said as he pulled out his wand and pointed it at Voldemort II who laughed his cold murthless laugh. Nagini didn't stop squeezing until something happened; Nagini letted go of Lily and was thrown into a wall. Harry and Ginny looked around to see what was happening until they found James with his hands outstretched at Nagini. Harry knew at once that James was using his powers. James had Nagini thrown at Voldemort II, but he ducked so she hit the floor. Nagini hissed angrily and slithered out of the room.
"I'm going to kill your childeren once and for all!" Voldemort said, angrily raising his wand at Lily and James. Before Harry could disarm his, a jet-black dog ran into the room and attacked Voldemort II before he could say a spell. Then a stag and a fox entered the room, the fox ran in front of James and Lily to protect them and the stag did the same with Harry and Ginny. Harry recognised the animals and knew at once that the dog was Sirius, the fox was his mother, and the stag was his father.
There was a riot going on down stairs and a voice said, "Master, the Order of the Pheonix has outnumbered us!"
Harry's heart lifted, he was happy to hear that the Order was there and that they were putting up a terrific fight, but his heart sank when he saw that Voldemort II Apparated out of the room. Harry left the room and ran down the stairs to find that the Death Eaters and everyone in the Order were still fighting until he heard a voice saying, "It's over, the Dark Lord's left." and without a trace, the Death Eaters Apparated. Harry let out a sigh of dissapointment, he was upset that Voldemort's son and his Death Eaters were gone, but he was happy to see that everyone was okay, but he heard a woman scream.
"Harry!" Ron ran over to him, "Hermione's having her baby!"
And she was, Hermione layed on a dusty couch, her face wet with sweat.
"Does anybody know how to deliver a baby?" asked James as he quickly went down the stairs.
"I do, but I'm going to need help." said Mrs. Weasley running over to Hermione.
"I'll help." said Lily running down the stairs towards Hermione.
"So will I." said Tonks as she hurried over to Hermione.
"I'm going to need a cloth and some hot water." said Mrs. Weasley.
"Here," said Harry, taking off his cloak and handing it to his mom.
"Here's the water." said Fred getting out of the kitchen holding a bowl and filling it with warm water from his wand.
"Okay, Hermione," said Tonks, "Take some calm deep breaths."
After a few hours, Hermione gave birth to a pair of twins, one of them had a patch of red hair while the other had a patch of brown hair.
"Their adorable," said Lily, "What are you going to name them?"
"We're thinking of naming them, Rupert and Emma." said Ron as he putted his arm aroung Hermione.
"Those are great names." said Fred.
"Yeah," said Ginny holding baby James and Lily in her arms, "And let's just hope that they don't end up like Fred and George."
Everybody laughed, even Fred and George
Last edited by Sirius_Padfoot; 09-30-2007 at 03:46 AM.