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Old 06-30-2006, 11:19 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Sirius Author
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Location: Signing off SS for good…blame the workload and the hectic-ness of life. I’ll miss you all…:cry:
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Eunice Murray
Default The Sirius Trilogy: The Black Traitor – Sa9+

Sirius is a key character in the Harry Potter series. This trilogy of one-shot fics tells of three important events that happened in his life from his point of view. We are opened up to Sirius' mind, entering his thoughts and dreams. Sit back and enjoy!

The Sirius Black Fan Club was the thing that started the gears in my brain for writing this trilogy, so I'd like to dedicate this series to all my fellow SBFC members on SnitchSeeker! You guys rock.

The doorbell rings. I am filled with mixed feelings: a part of me is glad because my favorite cousin is here, yet another part is dreading the arrival of another portion of my terrible family. Sighing and tucking my wand into my pants (who cares if I set my buttocks on fire?) I trudge downstairs to greet them: the normal custom.

Regulus is already downstairs, helping them with their bags and things. He smirks at me smugly, happy that he is getting all the positive attention. Of course, he’s always been the family favorite.

“Hey Aunt and Uncle, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda,” I say. The last name is accompanied with a grin. Andromeda is my favorite cousin. Unlike the rest of our family, we don’t believe in purebloods running the wizarding world.

The rest of them just give me a withering glance before heading off towards the drawing room. I can hear mother’s loud voice acknowledging them as they enter her sight. Seriously, Narcissa reminds me of a grumpy Barbie doll (I know what Barbies are like, thanks to Lily) and Bellatrix reminds me of a grumpy Barbie doll…with black hair.

“Ignore them,” Andromeda whispers to me with a roll of her eyes. Then she wraps her arms around me. “How are you, Sirius?” Giggling, she ruffles my black hair.

Giving her a lopsided grin, I shrug. “Could be better. How are you doing?” It’s my turn to ruffle her reddish-blonde hair, but she pulls away with a playful shriek.

“Gosh, Sirius, don’t ruin my hair!” she smoothes it back in place carefully.

I just laugh at her. It’s so fun to watch her freak every time I try to mess up her hair. Whatever. It figures; she’s a girl.

When I stop laughing, I beckon her towards me. In a whisper, I say to her, “I need to tell you something.”

With a curious look on her face, she nods. “Okay, what is it?” She leans her ear towards me.

Glancing around the room, over my shoulder, I make sure that no one in the Black family is listening. Seeing Kreacher in his stupid loincloth hovering not far away, I grab her wrist and lead her up the stairs into my bedroom.

I shut the door quietly and move over to a large duffle bag on the floor. She sees it and cocks her head, but says nothing.

“I’m running away. I’ve decided that I’ve had enough of this idiotic family.” I know it sounds rash, even to my own ears now that I’ve said it aloud, but I can’t back out on it now.

Andromeda gapes at me. Her eyes flit from the bulging duffle bag to my face. “You’re not serious, Sirius.” Then she sees the set and determined look on my face and sighs. “Where are you going to run away to?”

“James’ house,” I state matter-of-factly. “They’re nice folks and they’ll let me stay with them.” As confident as my voice sounds, there’s a shadow of a doubt in my mind, but I quickly brush it away.

Being the oh-so-sensible one, Andromeda doesn’t look convinced. “You know, Sirius, our family is not going to be happy with this. I mean, are you just going to pack your bags and run?”

I nod, feeling a bit childish and foolish. “And who cares if they’re not going to be happy? They’ll probably be happy! What have I ever done that has made them proud of me? Nothing.” Bitterness edges my voice.

“True,” Andromeda concludes with an evil grin. I throw a stray pillow on the floor at her, but she catches it and throws it behind her. “You know, I have to tell you something too.”

Glad that the attention is off me, I listen to her intently.

“I…I met this Muggle boy, and he’s really nice…” she starts.

“Oh ho!” I cry amusingly. “And is he as good-looking as me?” I snigger.

This time, she grabs the pillow and hucks it at my head. (Which, I must add, I easily dodge. She’s such a wimpy thrower.)

With a good-humored scowl, she retorts, “He’s way better looking than you, Sirius.” Ignoring my protests, she continues. “And it seems like it’s getting pretty serious. Not that I mind or anything.” She blushes furiously.

“Your family doesn’t know, right?” I ask suspiciously.

She shakes her head. “No, of course not! But I was thinking…what if we get married and.—“

“Is that all you girls talk about, boys and marriage?” I wail, which earns me another pillow in the head. (I dodge this one too, however.)

Despite my jibes, she laughs. “As I was saying—“

“Okay,” I interrupt for the second time. “If you do get married,” I roll my eyes at this, “Then you’ll be a disgrace to your family as well, just like me!”

Andromeda snorts. “And we can be disgraces together?”

“Oh yeah,” I agree, giving her a high-five.

“This is ridiculous,” she moans with a grin.

Chortling, I add, “We’ll probably get our names burnt off the Black family tree as well.”

Suddenly, Andromeda looks sad and her voice drops. “I don’t really want to be a disgrace to the family, Sirius.”

Slinging my duffle bag over my shoulder with my broom in hand, I walk over to her and give her a sideways hug. “It’s your decision, cousin. Whether you go off with this Muggle—what’s his name, anyways?”

“Ted Tonks.”

I give a little chuckle (ha ha, his name sounds so…Muggle-ish!) and I carry on. “Even if you don’t elope with him, I will. I mean, I won’t elope with him,--another chortle--but I’ll end up as a shame to the Black family name. I just think it’ll be fun to do it together, but it’s your choice.”

With a hint of a tear in her eye, Andromeda nods and hugs me. “Are you going now?” she asks softly.

“Yes. I just passed my apparation test already, so no need to walk.” I grin proudly, letting her know that it’s alright.

Kreacher pounds on my bedroom door. “I know you filth are planning something in there,” he squeals.

That’s the when I decide it’s now or never. “Invite me to your wedding,” I tell her before I disapparate with a crack.


I’m whizzing and whizzing through the air. It’s so weird apparating. However, I suppose I’ll get used to it one of these days.

I land with a crack in front of the Potter’s gate. It’s a very nice house, with large windows and a very green garden. Opening the gate with a creak, I realize that there’s no turning back now.

Striding up to the front door, I knock three times. Knocking is way more manly than ringing a doorbell. James opens the door and seeing me, a look of utmost surprise crosses his face. Grinning from ear to ear, he lets me in. “Hey mate!”

“Hey.” I step into the house, breathing in the scent of hardwood. For a moment, I think about Grimmauld Place, and of my name being singed off the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. This thought makes me laugh, thinking about my father blasting off my name. I hope it stinks up the whole house.


EDIT: The Sirius Trilogy: The Black Escape, the second part to this trilogy, is up! *claps*
EDIT 2: The third and final part is up--The Sirius Trilogy: The Black Ending
White shores are calling...
You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood.

We are proud to fight alongside men once more.
...You and I will meet again
I <3 you, all my SS friends. Namarie!

Last edited by Fortune_Cookie; 08-04-2006 at 02:07 AM.
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