Originally Posted by Luna Potter
I like it alot. Your doing what JKR is only doing with Harry going inside heis head!

Thanks! I'm glad you like it!
Originally Posted by Carmu
hey new reader!
this is really good!
ginny really does have stinky timing!
I love new readers! I'm glad you like it! Well I had to interrupt them......it'd be too soon for them to get together.......
Originally Posted by Laura
Wow Cai! You have 10 readers! I loved that post! It was perfect!!! Ginny and Harry was awesome... poor Harry!!!! poor Ginny!!!! But then Ginny and walking in on Hermione and Ron.... AMAZING!!!!! PAMS!!!!
Thanks Laura! Isn't it great? People like my fic. I'll post later.......you know that!
Originally Posted by Pooj
WOWEE! this wus really good! poor ginny, i no how much she wants 2 b w/ harry...........................it's sad..............
i personally think that hermione wus over reacting a bit 2oo much! i mean, at least she got her hair back 2gether!
great job, again!, hey, i'm not a reader anymore, but, still, keep me posted, or else(kidding!)
-Pooj, aka M#5
Thank you! I know Hermione was overreacting, but it was suppose to mean that she was sick of Ron teasing her all the time. I'll post soon!
Originally Posted by Pooj
okie this wus an accident........................i posted the same post 2ce..........
No worries!
Originally Posted by Lili
WHAT?????????????? Ginny u....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! Ginny has such bad timing!!!! Ron was gonna kiss her!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still feel sry 4 Ginny, but she ruined the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gasp* Ginny should've knocked or sumthing, or stayed w/ Harry, or like gone outside or SUMTHING!!!!!!!!! Poor Harry. Ginny made him sad. plz PAMS!!!!!!!!!! Well, when u get back.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.....even though it looks like it killed you! ha ha! I'll post today and then I'm gone for a week!
So today is when I'll
try to make the post long for everybody. Since I'm going out of town for a week, you guys need a long one....
<3 Cai