ooc: the excitement is holding me on the edge of my seat. Carolyn was down on the ground looking up at one angry and proud briam. His chin and lips were etched (sp?) in a thin line. She simply glared at everyone else. Then she looked to Sheeva, who kept staring at Briam. Ah, the lover, Carolyn though. Rosa went to move for her wand. Carolyn snapped back and pointed her wand at Rosa. "Unlike you all, I don't care if I kill you." she said as she moved to stand. "Rosa, is it?" she asked the younge girl as Carolyn stood to her full height. Rosa did as she was told and stepped forward to get Carolyn's wand. As she slowly moved to grab the wand, Carolyns eyes were on Briam. Rosa looked to Briam to find him unwavering. Rosa focused back on the wand, but as she was about to take it Carolyn jumped back. "Yes, I'm Rosa. You stay put and we won't kill you." She said as she moved closer. Carolyn could sence a fear in this small girl, but couldn't place it. She wasn't scared of Carolyn, but more of something in the past. Then, a large smile appeared on Carolyn's face as she began to morph. She morphed into Rosa's brother. "Rosa." she said, as him, in his voice. Rosa stepped back. All the memories of her brother flooded back in one shot. She couldn't think clearly. She moved to find something to lean on when her brother (carolyn) stepped and jabbed his wand at her. Then, she was gone. "AVADA KRAVADA!" Carolyn yelled. A large green light spewed from her wand. Encompasing Rosa. Rosa lifted off the ground and opened her eyes to only see green. Then she fell to the ground lifeless. Everyone else in the room fell over from the blast and Carolyn steadied herself in place. As Rosa fell with a thump Carolyn morphed back to herself. She looked around for a quick exit and saw the door. Lupin had, thankfully, ran away. Carolyn darted through the door and out into the open.
--- Danielle watched in horror as Carolyn killed one of her friends. She looked back over to Minera who also seemed to be in shock. Then she herd a large howl and remembered that Lupin was now a uncontrollable werewolf. Then two large ice blue eyes appeared infront of her. Connected to that was a large set of teeth and razer sharp claws. "RUN!" Danielle yelled as she pushed Minera over to avoid his leap for them. Danielle began to run in a different direction, hoping that Lupin would follow. And he did. He caught up to her. He was about to attack when he howled to the moon. Or the fact that the moon was gone. Danielle looked up through the forest to see that the moon had finished it's last phase of the full moon. Lupin was full of rage, hate and anger. he looked down to Carolyn and rawred. Then Briam yelled at Lupin, causing him to back up. He kept moving until he was back outside. Outside, he looked around and sniffed the air. He smelled something familiar and looked over to see Danielle and some woman (minera) standing watching. Food. Lupin dove at them, but missed and went flying past them. He followed Danielle into the forest, but noticed that it wasn't as bright out. He looked up to see the moon had changed. Lupin howled and could fell himself gaining conscience back. Then he blacked out.
--- Carolyn looked over to see Minera being shoved out of thee bushes by Danielle, so Carolyn ran over and picked Minera up. "Come on! We have to get out of here." she said as she continued to run. Once they got through the fake wall. She apparated with Minera back to Voldemorts Lair.
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