This an ooc thread where you can post a bit of background information about yourself and your character for your fellow Slytherins' reference. Professor Doyle Branxton
Birthday: March 8, 2018 (40)
At Hogwarts: 2029- 2036
Began teaching: 2056
Subject: Potions
General Physical Appearance: Doyle is six feet tall with salt n' pepper, clean-cut hair, and blue eyes. A pureblood wizard, he prefers to dress in 'proper' wizard attire at all times. On the rare occassion he is without his robes, he can be found wearing a clean-cut, black, suit which is tailored (not purposely) to fit his attractive, medium, build. He is light-skinned but not pale. He also wears a stylish pair of glasses, giving him a look to match his intelligence.
Personality & History: Doyle doesn't speak much about himself, or in general, so most of his background remains unknown. He was Slytherin Prefect and eventually became Head Boy while at Hogwarts. His professors regarded him as a very intelligent young wizard with great potential. He excelled in potions, charms, and transfiguration, though he did well in all of his classes, receiving outstanding marks in all of his NEWTs. This quiet professor is completely disinterested in the personal dramas his colleagues seem to find themselves in and mostly keeps to himself, preferring to blend into the background.
Last term, Doyle became engaged to Headmistress Cassandra Rae. They had started to develop a relationship during the summer between his first and second term teaching. Being a very proper wizard, Doyle has never let his relationship get in the way of his work, nor has he done more than hold Cassandra's hand in the hallways of Hogwarts. There has been no public announcement of the engagement to the students, though an announcement was made to the staff.
Biochemkris aka Kris
Birthday: February 27, 1979 (27)
Profession: Full-time mom
Favorite HP character: Severus Snape
Brief Biography: I'm married and have a 10 month old son, Alexander (aka Xander) who will be 1 year old by the end of the current term. We also have a cockatiel named Ezekiel who doesn't get as much attention as he used to since the Xan-Man came along.
I've been teaching in the SS School RPG for seven terms (this will be my eighth). I started out as Ravenclaw House Ghost, Professor Airlia who switched over to Slytherin Head of House my second term. She was HoH until two terms ago during the Ministry fiasco. After her death, I took on a new character, Doyle Branxton. He took over as Slytherin Head of House last term (a post I gave up for a term following Xander's birth).
In addition to my duties in the school, I am the Site Manager for SS. Basically all that means is that I'm in charge of making sure all our admins are whipped into shape and doing their jobs. I also help out wherever I'm needed, like running contests and mailing tees and prizes all over the globe. If you ever have any problems/suggestions with/for the site or any members, staff, mods, or admins, come and chat with me and I'll be happy to listen and try to help. (PM me or you can try me on MSN:
(that wasn't a very brief bio
