Originally Posted by fly away_moxie noooooooo i DONT want the rest...
~fia~ haha you will get the rest soon enough...im still writing it in my notebook...there's like 2 more chapters left... Quote:
Originally Posted by padfoot_rox93 You have a new fic? A D/Hr?! I MUST READ THIS. What's it called? No, I'll just look for it, it's okay. Amie heehahhahehea! yes! i do have a new fic!! wooo! actually no, i dont. but i am WRITING IT!! woo go me! i wanna actually finish this one before my life gets sucked into my next ff *evilish grin* i have decided to call that fic Life Has Moments. expect it to be up early next month BTW you were gone for awhile...wondering where u gone to..but ur BACK!!! *clings to you* Quote:
Originally Posted by devileangle612 uh oh!! that can be good!PAMS i enjoy some good drama. ha. well that doesnt happen to me. but be WARNED! (again) that there will be major like, yelling, tears, and all that good stuff in my next post! i will try to get it to you tonight or tomorrow morning! thanks and i HEART you all!!!, *Danielle*
Last edited by lUnAlOvEgOoD4lIfE; 06-24-2006 at 05:41 PM.