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Old 06-24-2006, 05:51 AM   #101 (permalink)
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You have a new fic? A D/Hr?! I MUST READ THIS. What's it called? No, I'll just look for it, it's okay.
"You know Mudblood? I'd never thought if I were to be hiding in a bush with someone, I wouldn't think it to be with you or spying on someone. I thought I would be with someone way prettier then you and we would be-" Malfoy was about to finish his sentence when Hermione cut him off.
Funniest thing ever. PAMS!
Siggy from Laura from a loooooong time ago.
Avvie from Vishu from also a loooooong time ago.

[wishes] [brightest] [unacceptable] [american]
I do love Eminem, yes I do. He da best.
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