AHHHHHHHH! I'm back! I've been SO computer deprived for the past four days that I worte two posts by hand! My parents didn't let me on for three days because they had it constantly, and then I came over to my Aunt's and I had to wrestle my little sister to get on! lol. So now I'm typing up- I don't have Microsoft Word with me so excuse the bad grammar/words that probably aren't even real [I use those a lot, lol]
All right, I can't reply to all of your comments [though I DID read them all] because I'm too busy writing, lol!... but a few stuck out.
firt, I would like to welcome
Jenn with a big HUG! Thanks so much for choosing my FF to come read! =] I bet it took forever to read! Well, I'm glad that you accomplised it!
You should like right a sequal like continue with harrys life, but only skip ahead to where we are now.. That would be like totally and conpletly awesome
I actually considered doing this a while back. I might, because the idea is appealing and I haven't read a story like it yet... but right now I'm in the process of creating another story and having two stories up at once is rather difficult. Maybe when Fate is over I will. :]
-does the post dance-
Haha. I like this dance!
*Whispers to everyone," That poor girl keeps falling into holes! We should get her some help!"*
Hahahaha! This made me laugh so hard out loud and my little sister just looked at me weird. That was really funny! I think I'm going to have to RP with you sometime.
[& I have another one coming up!]