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Old 06-20-2006, 05:18 PM
evlpez evlpez is offline
Default "The Birthday Gift" Drabble Challenge - Sa9+

The Birthday Gift

Some people are difficult to buy for. Some people get all the wrong kinds of gifts, and yet others seem to give or receive that one perfect gift. To celebrate Jo and Harry's birthdays, we're going to give each other gifts in this drabble challenge.

A drabble is a piece of fiction in 100 words. The drabbles in this challenge must all take place in the wizarding world and be about birthdays. Here is a guide:

  1. Each post is exactly 100 words plus a title.

  2. Each poster leaves three gifts for the next person to post, to be used in their drabble: a character's name and two things (object, creature, place or spell)

  3. The birthday in each drabble may be that of any canon character in the HP Series.

  4. This challenge is open July 1 - 20

Happy writing!

Please only post story entries in this thread. All discussion belongs in this thread.

My gifts to the first to post:
Neville, a dark detector and the prefects' bathroom.