All right....... I'm going to post the next chapter anyway
Chapter 2:Harry
After a very interesting and paniced (on the guys part) departure, they arrived in the hospital. Lily and James were ushered into a room by a healer. In the meantime, Remus and Sirius sat in the waiting room, nervously waiting, for about 18 hours.
Lily was in a lot of pain, and was screaming very loudly. James was trying to comfort her.
"It's all gonna be ok, honey," he cooed.
Lily screamed,with a look of pure hatred in her eyes. "I hate you James Potter!"
"Oh? Am I really that bad?" he asked with a smirk.
"Yes! And I am going to kill you for this!"
"Lily, calm down!" James replied, "Have the baby first, then you can kill me."
"You promise?" she asked.
"Yes, Lils, I promise," they both smiled at each other.
Around midnight, and James emerged into the waiting room of St. Mungo's, tears glistening in his eyes.
Sirius and Remus embraced him as he said, "Guys, come and meet my son."
They walked into the room to find Lily, looking exhausted, yet thrilled; she was holding a bouncing baby boy.
"Hello," Lily said brightly, "I'd like you to meet Harry James Potter."
A look of shock and disgust crossed Sirius's face. "Why didn't you name the baby after me?" he asked jokingly.
Remus punched him in the arm. "You are an insensitive git! You know that don't you?" Remus stated.
"Do you really think the world could handle another Sirius?" James asked.
Remus replied, "No, I don't think so. I think it would probably explode from the shock and horror!" They all burst out with laughter.
"Hey," James asked, "Where is Peter?"
"We dunno," Remus and Sirius replied in uison.
"We owled him at his house and headquarters of the Order, but he wasn't there," Sirius added.
"He has been dissappearing alot lately, hasn't he?" James asked.
"Yeah, he has, as a matter of fact," Lily replied after a moment of contemplation,"but we can talk about him later. Let's get back to Harry; James and I have been talking and we have decided on two godfathers for Harry. Sirius of course, and Remus-"
"No," Remus replied. "Are you both insane? I can not be his godfather."
"Why not, Moony?" James inquired, "Would you rather be his godmother?"
Everyone laughed except Remus. "Hello," Remus said scarcastically, "I'm a werewolf remember! I don't want Harry to join me in the werewolf community, so I'm sorry, but I can't be his godfather. Nor his godmother," he added with a small smile.
"Honestly Remus! I don't think you'll endanger Harry," Lily replied.
But Remus shook his head. "I don't want to take any chances."
All right Remus," Lily said, "So Sirius you can be his godfather."
"Okey dokey," Sirius said with a small smile, "and I guess that makes up for you not nameing him after me."
An hour later everyone was talking about Harry, and everything that they were going to teach him. For example, James was going to teach him how to ride a broom, Sirius was going to help him become an animagus, and Remus was going to teach him how to ignore his father and godfather's plans for causing trouble.
James looked up at the clock. All of a sudden he yelled, causing Sirius and Remus to jump out of their seats.
"James, what the devil are you doing?" Lily exclaimed.
"Look at the time!" he replied. "It's nearly 3 A.M.! All right everyone out! Lily and Harry need sleep." He ushered them out, kissed his son and his wife, and left, for the night, as well.