Encounter between Lua and Fat Cats Selena
Originally Posted by Selena
Selena cruised through the hallway with her cats by her side. Hopefully no one would be insane enough to get in their way. They had things to do, and didn't need anyone gettin in there way.
Originally Posted by Lua
Lua stepped into the hallways on her way to the great halls, taking a left then a right she saw the slytherin selena with her fat cats. She needed to get some of the juicy cats. Desciding on what her next step should be, she walked straight up to selena and said confidently "I think you should give me some of your cats to adopt, you feed them way too much they are about to explode" placing her hands on her hips and giving her pass over the cats look.
Originally Posted by Selena
Selena stopped abruptly. "Wha?" Selena looked up and down at Lua. "Did I say they were up for adoption?" Selena coulda smacked the girl for thinking she was just gonna give up her cats as if she didn't love them at all. "You better move or I'll put u up for adoption." Selena gave Lua a "yeah chick what" look and she stood there.
Originally Posted by Lua
Lua gasped at the slytherin girl, taking one hand of her hips and swinging it in her face "Listen to me sister, No body puts me for adoption except for Yara-ma" as she shaked her hips in a ghetto style. Lua knew making friends with thugs came handy one day, even if her dad never approved of it. "See one thing you continue to oversee is that cats might not want to be fat, maybe they want to be models.." Lua trailed off supressing laughter, especially at this moment. "Bring it on sister, If that what it takes to take your cats away" Lua continued confidently, even though she wasn't sure she can take selena down by herself.
Originally Posted by Selena
Selena couldn't help it. She laughed in the girl's face then decided to respond. "Uhh yeah anyway chick I'ma break dis down for yah. My fats are mah bidness. I'm mindin my bidness....and you're minding my bidness. That's too many people in my bidness. I'll put you up fa' adoption if I please. Now BOUNCE!"
Originally Posted by Lua
Yea yea" Lua replied still shaking her hips "I am gonna bounce, but consider this your enlightenment in cat polysemy." Giving the girl one last look, lua fixed her robes after all the shaking she did. "But i am gonna get them cats sooner or later". Lua took backward steps, still keeping her gaze on selena. After her first encounter with her, Lua knew very well, that selena can throw any of them at her without hesitation. Once she reached the corner she ran towards the stairs towards the great hall.
Originally Posted by Selena
Selena tipped forward as a rude little ravenclaw bumped her. "Hmm she's gotta learn." Selena thought to herself, but knew that now wasn't the time. She'd deal with her soon enough though.
Through the distraction she noticed Lua had run off. Usually Selena wouldn't chase anybody, but today she'd make the exception. Selena leviated the fats so they could keep up as she chased Lua down the hallway.
Originally Posted by Lua
Noticing that selena was chasing after her, Lua ran as fast as she can towards the gryffindor common room instead. She needed somewhere to be protected and a place serena would never be able to enter, being younger and thinner than selena, lua was much faster. Upon reaching the common room lua yelled the password and threw herself inside as the portrait closed the hole behind her.
Originally Posted by Selena
Selena wondered if Lua thought that since she ran in the common room that that would protect her. "Well I guess I gotta send someone in after her." Selena said to herself and she wrote out a letter