I stay hidden from view as Mr. Filch passes the suit of armor that I am hiding behind. I hear Mr. Filch's footsteps echo as they go down the corridor. I need to get into my common room as soon as possible before Mr. Filch comes back. One of my friends opens the portairt for me from the inside and I enter the common room. My friend, Christina Lane is the one who opened the portait for me and she says to me, "The password is Phoenix." I say, "Thanks, Christina for opening the portait for me or I would have got caught by Mr. Filch for being out in the corridor late at night. Also, thanks for giving me the password as well." Christina says, "No problem, Isabella." We heads up to our dormitory together.
I see me bed with my trunk and I go to my bed. I open my trunk to get my pajamas and the picture of my father that my mother gave me on my 15th birthday when she told me the truth about my father, Sirius Black. I change into my pajamas and after that I place my picture of my father on the nightstand next next to my bed. I climb into bed and I fall asleep. I start dreaming about meeting my father, Sirius Black.
In the dream I see my father, Sirius Black where he currently at in hiding. I go up to him and I explain that I am his daugther. He is in shock and wonders how it that it is possible. The dream continues until I wake up the next morning.
Chrisd2000 |