Originally Posted by the.time.is.now
Eek you guys rule! Yes, I know the title was VERY obvious [like I've said previous times], but I hope I delievered it ohkay! Whew! Band camp today was SO tiring... it doesn't help that my b/f is the assistand drum captain & I'm embarassed to play in front of him... lol.
So I'll try to post tomorrow [there's a big chance that I will], so get on and PAMS it up. =]
WE'RE ALMOST TO 700 POSTS. OMFGZZZZ. lol. I'm such a cyberdork.
Rose- you graduated today? As in... you're a senior and no more school? Even if not, yay! No more school! The summer is here! [& I'm very welcoming towards it!]
Yeah. You have to understand the situation- crazy Avery [even without the Alihotsy leaves] trapping her in a dark room. He's totally controlling, amazingly threatining & unmercifiul. Her life was easily on the line in that room- espically since he's working with Voldemort. Even if Avery was in that room with Lily & he had no wand, she'd have every right to be scared... I mean, he's working with Dark Magic & one of the Darkest Wizards known to the Magical Community. But of course... Avery is just the beginning to a much, much darker time...
Yes, you delivered it well; that was a really good post! I know all about that feeling, I hate playing infront of my boyfriend too. What do you play? Anyway, I'll try to wait patiently until tonight *twittling thumbs unpatiently* so please please please post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!