:: Just when Ganymede was going to answer, an owl flew in. "Whats this?" She grabbed the letter and tore it carefully open. Slowly, she read it's contents to herself. "This is joke. This is a very dumb joke." She chortled at the idea of the two getting married. "I bet Samea is up to more stupid riddles." She sighed and crunched the paper into a ball. She went to go throw it out the window, but paused. What if it wasn't a joke. It was a party. She enjoyed parties. Ganymede was to bring a gift. She rifled through her school things and found a 4 year old box of sugar free cookies her sister had given her. "Perfect." She used a simple spell to wrap it in green tissue paper. Then she placed it neatly under her arm. "Unfortunately, We must make this meeting short. I seem to be needed somewhere." She pocketed the letter in her cloak and went to the door. "Try Virohsa. I've got to get going." Professor Ganymede opened the door, allowing her friends to get out. "I'm sorry students. I will be back soon." She apologized to the small group waiting for her. Then she promptly locked the door and made her way toward the staff room. ::
__________________ <3~<3~Twenty or more years can change a person <3~<3~ |