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Old 01-10-2004, 03:47 AM   #7 (permalink)
JessieHeart's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Lost in a Lifeboat
Posts: 587

Here's my newest "Slytherin-Pride" poem. It's just about Salazar Slyhterin and my take on his background story.

By the way, Snuffles was curios on how long it takes me to write... And honestly, it depends on if I'm inspired or not. Some days it's really easy and takes no time at all! Other days, it's much harder...

Anyway, here it goes...

A Salazar Slytherin Poem

Our Hogwarts school stands here,
As always proud and tall.
Within it lies great houses,
Each honorable, four in all.

But why is one
thought dark and mean,
Because of a distaste
By all well-seen?

Slytherin hated muggles,
I admit it, yes.
But he had a reason,
that I of all know best.

Do you know of Salazar?
What happened to him then?
Whose house is carried on,
Salazar Slytherin, from Fen.

I'll tell you of a time short lived,
A cent'ry or ten ago,
Young Salazar at twenty-two,
Is how the story goes.

He had a sweetheart, a girl, a love.
Whom he prized above the rest.
But then came that fateful day,
His love was put to test.

Some Muggles found out about this school,
It caused them much dismay.
They captured the first witch they saw,
Dragged Salazar's love away.

She had no time for the Fire-Freezing Spell,
They killed her much too fast.
When Godric gave Salazar the news,
Her death he could not grasp.

He hated all of muggle blood
But Hogwarts continued to admit,
People from Muggle families,
'Til he finally said, "That's it."

He left the school and re-married,
But his heart would ne'er mend.
And thus, ever so sadly,
Salazar's story came to end.

And who among us would mourn this day?
Who would pity that man's fate?
Who would still only see a prejudiced man,
Who would hold their opion great?

Do not be too quick to judge,
Do not follow those Muggle's trail.
Be yourself unto yourself,
Thus is the moral of this tale.

"Killing is not nearly as easy as the innocent believe."
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