Library WriterSirius AuthorLeftySS100 Triumphant Mooncalf
Join Date: Jun 2005 Location: Signing off SS for good…blame the workload and the hectic-ness of life. I’ll miss you all…:cry:
Posts: 6,879
Hogwarts RPG Name: Eunice Murray Fifth | The End? - Sa9+
We fast-forward a few years to where James and Lily are married and have a new addition to the family: Harry. All is blissful until it is broken…
This story is another one-shot. It’s different from my other fanfictions, however, because it’s written in present tense. It may take a little getting used to, since the majority of stories are written in past tense. That baby-soft skin. Those long lashes. That jet-black hair. Watching my baby—my Harry—sleeping, is one of the activities that I enjoy the most. Just gazing at his sleeping, peaceful expression warms me, making me love him even more and more.
I hear James’ footsteps padding from our bedroom to the baby’s room. He yawns and rubs his eyes, then comes over to where I’m hovering over the crib. His hair looks as messy as ever and as I turn around to watch is entrance, I smile. He grins back his goofy smile that he hasn’t lost since Hogwarts days. That’s one of the things I love about him.
“Harry sleeping fine?” His voice whispers in my ear. Burying his face in my hair, he inhales deeply before peering at our son. “We’re going to have loads of fun when he’s old enough. I’m going to teach him how to fly, get him the fastest broom on the market, and show him all the tricks we did at Hogwarts…” He rambles on and on to himself excitedly, his voice getting a bit rowdier as he speaks.
“Shh!” I hush, placing a finger to his lips. “You’re going to wake him up!” Stroking the side of Harry’s cheek, I sigh contentedly. “I think he’s going to look like you too, when he’s older,” I comment. This whole thing is new to us, but we are going to take it on with full enthusiasm. I decide I am going to be the best mother ever.
“But he’ll have your eyes. Your beautiful, emerald eyes,” James murmurs. This makes me smile. His lines can sound so cheesy to everyone else, but not to me.
He bends over and kisses me lightly on the cheek. Even now, I can still remember that day at the lake when we’d first kissed. How young we were then. I lean into him, hugging his waist, my head tucked under his neck. We stay there, motionless, for a while, until—
A deafening noise emanates from our front door. It wakes Harry up and he begins to cry. James immediately jerks up. “Stay here,” he commands, grabbing his wand. He sprints out the door.
“Excuse me? I’m an auror too, you know. You’re not going alone!” I don’t care if he hears me or not. Taking my wand firmly with my hand, I follow him, only a few steps behind. This type of situation always scares me, although I don’t like to show it. The hair on my back is standing on end.
Then— ”Avada Kedavra!”
Intense green light. James falls to the floor. My mind ices over.
“James!” I scream although I cannot hear myself, running to him before my mind can bring me to any sense. But the only thing I’m thinking about is that my husband is dead. Right in front of my eyes. Falling to my knees, I run my hand over his disheveled black hair and gaze into his glazed hazel eyes that were once full of life. My tears run in a torrent and fall onto his cheek, trickling down onto the floor.
Then I’m snapped back into reality. Someone in a cloak is striding towards me. “So these are the famous aurors, the Potters,” it hisses venomously. My blood freezes cold. It’s Lord Voldemort. He’s come to kill us. He’s come to kill me. He’s come to kill my baby.
“No!” I yell, springing up from James. Blinded with tears, I run over to the crib, shielding Harry with my body. As I point my wand at Voldemort’s horrid face, my hand is shaking violently.
“I’ve come for your baby boy, Mrs. Potter,” he says calmly and coldly. “That’s all I want.”
“Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!” I scream, frantic now. He can’t take both my husband and my son. I won’t let him. I love Harry too much.
“Stand aside, you silly girl…stand aside, now…”
I plead, “Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead—“ It’s the only legitimate bargain I have. Not even Lord Voldemort can kill a baby, I try to convince myself, but I know it’s not true. “Not Harry! Please…have mercy…have mercy…” It’s not time for me or Harry to leave this world. I love him. I love him. I love him.
I take one last glance at Harry and James before the chilled voice shouts, ”Avada Kedavra!”
With a blinding, green flash it is the end.
Or is it the beginning? fin
The prequel to this story is here: It's About Time Sa9+
__________________ White shores are calling... You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. We are proud to fight alongside men once more. ...You and I will meet again I <3 you, all my SS friends. Namarie!
Last edited by Fortune_Cookie; 06-07-2006 at 01:15 AM.