Thread: Forever...
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Old 05-03-2006, 01:40 PM   #393 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 275

OOC: sorry i couldn't post last night my internet went *POP*

Nira watched in astonishment as Sheeva finnished off the vampire. Nira was about to run towards her when all of a sudden Sheeva looked frightened and dissapeared. "Sheeva!!!!" Nira yelled this was the second time she had lost her twin sister today. Thorn put a hand on her shoulder, "She's gone Nira, I've heard of this it's an old magic. That vampire was pretty old and sometimes that happens to slayers. They will be transported to one of the vampires followers. Hopefully she knows what's happening." He was right, that had happened to Nira on many occasions, that was one thing she had forgotten to tell Sheeva, Shes smart she should figure it out pretty soon. "Lets go we still have more villages to go to. Sheeva will meet us back at the mansion."
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