Thread: Forever...
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Old 05-02-2006, 01:43 PM   #390 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: gosh do you really need to know such information,ok.ill tell you, but dont tell anyone i live on....
Posts: 173

Sheeva woke up from her being stunned. all she could think of was to kill whoever had done it. her hair flaming red along with her eyes she stood up and kicked over the fallen kidnapper. she gasped as she saw it was a vampire. "surender now vampire or i will kill you "
the vampire looked up at sheeva and hissed " i will never surrender, i will die in honner for the dark lord, i know that you and your sister both have vampire blood and you both are filthy traitors, you will never be forggiven." he jumped up and started to use the imperious curse on sheeva but she dodged it and the spell hit a tree. "how do you learn such magic vampire!!"sheeva screamed from behind the rock she was hiding. she saw thorn and nira standing in the clearing. "nira throw me my stake!!!"
all i see in green, greenday junkie, yep thats me.
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