Nira wolke up early that morning before anyone else. She had decided to go scout out the town by herself. She quickly packed up all her stuff and left a note for Sheeva and Thorn explaining where she went. She crept down to the village and noted that there didn't seem to be anyone up yet. Then she recognized the address on one of the houses. This was the person who wrote the letter. She went over and knocked on the door. An old woman opened it and quickly stood back. "You must be the vampire hunter I wrote to." she said. Nira nodded. "Well come in child, let me get a good look at you, my you must not be any older than 17!" Nira snickered, "Yes ma'am(sp) I am 17" the old woman gasped, she had seen her arm, Dang she had forgotten to put her cloak on. "How long has the vampire been here." she asked quickly trying to distract the woman. "Oh about a month I'd say." "Is it male or female?" the old woman blinked trying to think, "Um I think it's a male." Nira sighed, "How many people has it taken so far." "About one a week," Nira was surprised "Why haven't you writed for help before now?" the old woman was taken aback "We only just found the bodies last week." Nira siged again "Well thank you for your time, I have just one more question, Where does it live?" the old woman hesitated,"Well, it lives in a cave on the outskirts of town, just that way." Nira gasped, the old woman pointed in the direction of her camp. "Um I gotta go." she said and ran out the door, hoping she wasnt to late. Thorn wolke up to Nira screaming something in his ear. "Where is Sheeva!" she screamed growing frantic. He was up in an instant. Grabing on to her shoulders he made her calm down. "What happened?" she quickly explained what happened. Just as she was finished they heard a scream pierce the air. "Sheeva..." Nira yelled "I'm coming" grabbing his weapons he sprinted off into the woods after Nira following the scream. |