Originally Posted by danismine
awesome post. wat do u mean they r just okay for now? lol now u got me curious. PAMS
Hmm *insert evilness here* Well. They will be ok, for now. But after, aha.
Originally Posted by Fortune Cookie
Awesome post, as usual. Wonder what's going to happen next!
Thanks. Something that the kids will enjoy, unless they get stuck. Try working that out, hehe.
Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole
EDIT: Okay so I just finished reading it Ali. Good stuff, I loved the dragons but you probably already knew that...LOL Did I mention I love that Sirius and Remus are there? I wish JKR hadn't of killed him...I could see Sirius kicking bad guy butt in the final battle but...
Anyways, so you're like ahead...uh-oh, I better stay on the ball then. I don't want to fall too far behind. But I'm reading very few fics now, just yours and a friends...uhm...Shan-Shan's. But she hasn't posted in ages...
Keep it up...PAMS when you can...if I'm late it's because of exams...
Thanks! JKR killed two special people, one has came back. Will the other? *probably not, but maybe
* Good luck in your exams, Otts.