Originally Posted by allucha
If Ottery see's this, then I want to wish him a Happy Belated Birthday. I was looking at your 'birthday fic' minute ago and then realised. *feels guilty* So anyway, Hope you had a great birthday!!! Wish I'd have realised sooner, though.

Ali, you're so cool, you're too kind. Thank you. I hope your holiday's going good...I came to catch up...but I saw this and I just had to post. You're too cool, don't worry about being late.
EDIT: Okay so I just finished reading it Ali. Good stuff, I loved the dragons but you probably already knew that...LOL Did I mention I love that Sirius and Remus are there? I wish JKR hadn't of killed him...I could see Sirius kicking bad guy butt in the final battle but... 
No use crying over spilt milk
*Ottery cries over spilt milk*
Anyways, so you're like ahead...uh-oh, I better stay on the ball then. I don't want to fall too far behind. But I'm reading very few fics now, just yours and a friends...uhm...Shan-Shan's. But she hasn't posted in ages...
Keep it up...PAMS when you can...if I'm late it's because of exams...