Thread: Forever...
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Old 04-26-2006, 01:55 AM   #378 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 275

"All right then lets go." said Nira to Sheeva and Thorn. All of the members of the Society were gathered in the front yard. Nira was once again wearing her sleevless shirt. She could feel peoples gaze on her arm. She quickly shifted her weight on her broom to conceal her scar. "Good bye then. We'll be in a town called Surface if you need us." she said and with that they took off into the night.

Thorn looked over at Nira. She looked incredibly pale in the moonlight. It brought out the white steak in her hair. He could tell she was still weak from her fight with the last vampire. But she would pull through. She was stubborn, he knew that all to well. "Do you need a rest?" he asked her, she glared at him. "Shove off." she said and went back to flying. It was hard to believe that he loved her times.

Nira flew in silence with Sheeva to her right and Thorn to her left. Sheeva was unusually quiet. She misses Briam, I hope that doesn't get in the way of her hunting. Thorn asked if she was alright. She snapped back at him and went back to flying. He doesn't get it, I refuse to be weak. "Thats the town down there." she said "We'll camp outside it untill morning that's when the vamp is most vulnerable." They landed in a small clearing near a waterfall. "Peacefull" she heard Sheeva mutter. They set up their sleeping bags and Thorn started a fire with his wand. Nira handed out sandwiches that her house elf had made them. Once they had eaten in silence they all went to sleep. Before turning in Nira set up a charm that would alert them if anyone came into the clearing.
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