Thread: Forever...
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Old 04-24-2006, 09:22 PM   #370 (permalink)
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"I don't know It depends how many vampires there are and how many villages are infested." her face returned to it's usual stoic expression. "We're leaving tonight as soon as you're all ready."

Thorn went into his room and pulled a trunk out from under his bed. He opened the lid letting out a rusty shriek. Inside were his silver stakes, his blessed daggers and underneath a cloth case was a shieth(sp) with a sword with runes etched into the blade. "Kor Mai" he said the name, "It means black death," he heard a voice from behind him, Nira stood in the door way. "How do you know?" Thorn asked, "My father was part elven remember? He used to call me Fis Tahl, it means Dark Blade, and he called Sheeva Dae Syl, Light Faerie." he sat motionless, sword still in hand, "I heard Elves had titles for each member of the family what was yours?" he asked interested "Mine was Fis Tahl, La-yrn, Arabi-mitore, Oussea Cy Rua. It means Dark Blade, Night Bringer, Daughter of the moon, Heir to Onyx Star, my father." she took a breath her eyes glazed over remembering, "Sheevas was Dae Syl, Von-nis, Arabi-ghymn, Oussea Cy Rua. Meaning Light Faerie, Ice Dawn, Daughter of the Forgotten ways, Heir to Onyx Star. When we were born these names were given to us in a profecy(sp) We know Sheevas gift already, she can do elvish magic, I don't know what my fate is yet, Night bringer Daughter of the moon, I don't know what it means." She shook her head, "Take care of that sword were leaving in an hour."
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