Thread: Forever...
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Old 04-24-2006, 01:52 PM   #367 (permalink)
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Nira walked out into the hall and stood next to her sister, her eyes were light blue and her cheeks were flushed. Sheeva just finnished talking, "I have an announcement to make, Sheeva, Thorn, and I are going to hunt down what remains of the clan of vampires that belonged to the one that attacked me, I've been getting owls by the cauldren. Briam you're in charge, everyone will listen to what he says, and if you need to get in touch with me, send an owl."

Thorn couldn't believe what he was hearing, Nira wasn't even healed yet and her sister had just been attacked, but they were going to go hunt vampires. "Nira I need to talk to you..." but she cut him off, "I'm fine Thorn, and besides there will be three of us, we'll make it. Now I sugest we get packing we're leaving tonight."
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