:: Professor Ganymede smiled at Edaj, "Let me begin by taking 2 points from Gryffindor." She glared at Mickey who had just turned one of her books into a bat. Pointed at him she said, "Mickey, I need you to get that book back to me. If I don't see it by dinner time, I'll take off another point from Gryffindor." She turned her smile back to Edaj, "Do all your homework and get active in lessons." She stated simply. "Also, don't get in any trouble or turn any books into bats." She stood up and moved to the door. "I think it's time for a cup of coffee and some toast." She opened the door for the students. After they left, she walked out and locked her office up. ::
__________________ <3~<3~Twenty or more years can change a person <3~<3~ |