Paul nodded as the students all went through the flags. "Good everyone. You've done mighty well ye have." He motioned for the few remaining students to come through the flags to him. Once they had, he continued. "Now then. I think everyone's done grand. So I'd like everyone to practice turning round now." He hovered a ways off the ground and pulled hi broom sharply to the side, turning in a sharp circle to face them again. "It's simple ye see. Just turn to the left or the right in a complete circle. We won't be turning upside down or underside up now." He pointed to the center of the pitch which had a single flag standing. "Now then, everyone, one by one fly to the center, turn around smoothly, and fly back here. Once you fly back, the next person goes. Alright?" He asked, then quickly he flew down to the center and motioned for the first student to come to him.
__________________  You fell victim to one of the classic blunders.
The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia. |