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Old 04-22-2006, 12:20 PM   #324 (permalink)
PurestEvile's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Uh... I dunno let me get back to that in, um, 1 million years
Posts: 65

Sylvia skimmed her Potion's Textbook for the directions to make the hair changing potion. As soon as Sylvia was done skimming, she made sure her ingrediants were in the exact proportions. Sylvia then dropped the moonstone into the cauldron and waited for it to boil. After 5 min, Sylvia dropped in the nettles and the belladonna and almost began to not pay attention to her potion and start doodling. Sylvia stopped doing so just in time, the potion was not looking as perfect as it did before. Sylvia let it simmer for 5 minutes after she let it boil. She carefully stirred her brew 20 times clockwise and then 20 times counter-clockwise. The potion began to look normal after Sylvia put it in the clear goblet. A strong voice could be heard saying " Coloro!" and if you could read minds, you could tell Sylvia was thinking of only a beautiful forest green. Sylvia dunked her hair into the goblet and after a few minutes you wouldn't even guess that Sylvia's hair was once jet black. She pulled out a mirrior and saw herself. " Awesome! " Sylvia stated not so quietly as she thought she did. Then she remembered that they weren't supposed to try the potion out yet. Oops Sylvia thought silently.

Last edited by PurestEvile; 04-22-2006 at 12:26 PM.
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