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Old 04-21-2006, 07:38 PM   #306 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Hermy hadn't quite decided what colour to change her hair....she wanted it to be a contrast to her usual self. She thought about it... perhaps a nice shade of blue would be good.

She stood next to her cauldron. Running her finger down the page she read and re-read the instructions, checking that she had laid out her ingredients in the correct order. She liked to work systematically. Placed the moonstone and water into the cauldron and boiled for five minutes, before carefully adding the belldonna (as it is poisonous as she saw from the instructions) and the nettles. During the 10 minutes when the mixture was boiling then simmering, Hermy sat and wrote some notes to help memorise the method, noting the appearance of the potion. She stirred the mixture as directed, before placing the potion in a goblet.

Hermy looked at the potion in the goblet, hoping that she had done everything correctly. She concentrated on a dark - indeed almost black - blue, whilst dipping her wand in the potion and saying "Coloro." She measured 200ml of the potion, and leaning forward, carefully rinsed her hair in it. Whilst waiting for the potion to work, she added a few details to her notes, including how she had focused on the colour.

After the five minutes, Hermy pulled a small mirror out of her bag. Looking at the reflection, she smiled. "Wow," she said aloud. "I love this colour - and my first potion actually worked!"
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