Thread: Quotable Quips
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Old 04-21-2006, 05:59 AM   #12 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Selena
Selena looked at both Slytherins and thought to herself "they are very lucky we're in the same house." But then again the day Selena let a first year get away with any cheek toward her would be the day Voldemortist wore pink. Selena didn't know which one unfortunate Slytherin was gonna catch it first, but she did make up her mind as she looked at the first one that said soemthing to her.

"Hey I'm so sawry, didn't mean to upset you. I'm just a lil nervous around new people" Selena's voice had so much sarcasm in was sickening. "Hey maybe we needa start this off the correct way. I'm Selena" Selena held her hand out.
Originally Posted by Rosalie
Rosalie glared at the girl out of the corner of her eye, and didn't take her hand.

"Right, and my name is Albus Dumbledore." She hissed, not paying her further attention. Rosalie turned her worried gaze back to Whende.

"Are you going to be alright?" She whispered.
Originally Posted by Selena
Selena abruptly slid in front of Rosalie standing face to face. "I said oh great first years, and because I'm what you wanna call an "upperclassmen" you took that as me hatin on u. How do you know that I didn't come over here to welcome you to hogwarts? Very fair assumption you made of me...and you don't know me. So let's try this AGAIN. Hi my name is Selena...5th year Slytherin."
Originally Posted by whende
Whende suddenly snapped out of her daze. "No, no. He didn't hurt Jay. He just threatened. I kind of said somethings I shouldn't have and he... You know Selena, I think we've got the hang of your name, but we're kind of busy right now." Great, me and my big mouth again
Originally Posted by Selena
Selena smiled as she turned and looked at the one called Whende "Sorry sweetheart, one introduction at a time. I'll be sure to welcome you after I get things straighten'd out with my fellow Slytherin here. There can't be any confusion within the Slytherin house."
Originally Posted by Rosalie
She turned away from Whende, trying her hardest to keep her temper in check. Her response was in a completely emotionless voice.

"The tone of your voice said otherwise. People don't just say, 'oh great first years,' because they are so excited to say 'welcome to Hogwarts'. If you expect others to be polite to you, than it would be wise to take your own advice. Now, if you didn't notice, I'm a little busy. Furthermore, if you missed the memo: I. Do. Not. Care."

She turned away, and back to Whende.

"He what?" She demanded softly.
Originally Posted by whende
Whende rolled her eyes and mouthed the word, "Whatever," and turned back toward Rosalie, trying to see passed the fifth year girl.
Originally Posted by Selena
Selena laughed and had given up. "suit yourself then" Selena walked about two feet away then stopped to think it over. "Now I'm gonna have to greet way" Selena thought to herself.
Originally Posted by Tonya
" I'm sorry Selena I'm Tonya Anne Slytherin First year. Nice to meet you."Tonya holds out her hand.
Originally Posted by Selena
Selena heard the girl named Tonya and walked back and shook her hand. "Now that wasn't that hard....I'm gonna give you one very big hint about life here...remember you're a first year and you won't get hurt. "Upperclassmen WILL hex's just what we do...and it definitely something I'm not scared to do. But I like you so i won't. People step over their bounderies and they get hurt and embarassed as you will soon see." Selena said politely as she remembered Rosalie and Whende. "I hafta go now...I have something to do." Selena smiled and walked off plottin "Have fun, and be smart Tonya."

ooc: gotta take a patient to catscan will bb
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