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Old 04-19-2006, 09:36 PM
Dainsie Dainsie is offline
Default CoMC 1: Special Classifications

Today’s lesson taking place inside, you walk into a large stone classroom with high windows. The room is bright and airy and filled with sounds and smells. The side walls are lined with cages of all shapes and sizes, and up the middle of the room is two long rows of wooden desks with very comfy chairs. At the head of the classroom is a large mahogany desk; behind it is a large tank covered with a sheet to hide it’s content.

Sounds of various animals fill the room and give it a never-ending theme song. As you walk in, the first thing you notice is the beautiful song of a magnificent Phoenix that is sitting on the professor’s desk. Calming you and making you feel less nervous, you walk confidently to find a seat.

Hello! Welcome to Care of Magical Creatures. Please make yourself comfortable as you wait for the rest of the students to arrive. You may look around the room a bit if you wish.