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Old 04-18-2006, 11:39 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
christine malfoy

Harry says to Lupin, "I forgot to tell what what my daughters look like Lily Weasely-Potter has beautiful black hair and green eyes just like me and Danielle Weasley-Potter has the most beautiful red hair like her mother, Ginny and she has the honey brown eyes. They are both very healthy babies. I left them with Hermione and Ron. I left them as god-parents as before I left the Burrow. I got a question for you, "Lupin, did you take your wolfsbane potion because the full moon is in a couple of days and I don't want you to bite me." Lupin says, "I took my wolfbane potion. Your daughters sound very lovely and I can't wait to meet them."

Lupin tells Harry to fall a sleep and that he would keep watch though out the night. Harry falls asleep and starts dreaming. He dreams about his daughters Lily and Danielle and they are getting tortured by Death Eaters. The person torturing Lily and Danielle are the were follower's of Voldermort and Harry sees Hermione in the dream trying to protect Danielle and Lily. The torturer is asking her where Harry is and what is he doing. Harry can feel Hermione scream in agony and pain because the person is using the Cruciatus Curse on her. Harry dozes off fitfully and Lupin sees him doing this and wakes him up and asks, "Harry, what is wrong? You look so very pale and you need so food." Just before Harry could reply Hrry vomitted. After he stopped vomitting and then he replied, "I had dream about my daughters and Hermione being tortured by a follower of voldermort, a Death Eater, who wants to bring Voldermort back and they want to know where I was and Hermione didn't tell them. The dream seemed so very real. I know I have dreams that do come true, but we better get back the Burrow and check if my daughthers, Hermione or any of the Weasleys are hurt because I had saved Mr. Weasley when the snake attacked him in my 5th year and don't them in be in any danger." Lupin says, "Lets go! We better apparate to straight to the Burrow. They might have questions about you leaving last night and now reappearing into thin air. Tell them the truth, Harry, why came here to where parents were buried and were lived until age of one." Harry says, "I will have to tell the truth. They are going to be on their guard after the dream I just had about my daughters and Hermione getting tortured by a Death Eater at the Burrow. I will have to tell Ron and Hermoine about this too. Hermione is going so very scared. I hope Ron can save her. Lets go." Lupin and Harry apparate from Godric's Hollow' s graveyard to back the Burrow.

When they get there Harry has a lot questions to need answering by Mrs. Weasley. Mrs. Weasley asks, "Harry, why did leave the twins, Lily and Danielle, here? Harry, where did you go last night and why is Lupin doing with you? How are you, Remus Lupin? Harry, why did have Ron lie to me?" Harry replies, "I had to leave because of the threat of Voldermort's supporters trying to get Voldermort back again and I didn't want that to happen. The reason I have Lupin is that he knows a lot about the Dark Arts and he could help me with catching the Voldermort's supporters, the Death Eaters, who what to bring him back again more powerful than when I defeated him in my 7th year. I also had dream that had my daughters and Hermione being tortured because the person, who was doing this in my dream was asking Hermione where I was and what I was up to because they think if they can kill me or children that it raise up Voldermort again." Remus Lupin says to Mrs. Weasley, "I have been doing fine. Tonks and I have been going out for a while and I am about ready ask her marry me if she accepts." Mrs. Weasley replies to Lupin, "Good for you Remus!" Then she says to Harry, "Oh my granddaughters and Hermione are fine and you, Harry saw this in your dream?" Harry says, "Yes, and where are Lily and Danielle? Where is Hermione? I want to make sure they are alright." Ron comes out and spots Harry and says, "Harry, you look like saw a ghost. What happened?" Mrs. Weasley says, "Lily and Danielle are fine and they are sleeping soundly as we speak. As for Hermione, she over there the fire sitting on the couch." Harry tells Ron what happened and why is back. Harry says to Ron, "I had this weird dream and I had to come back and check if you, my daughters, Hermione, and the rest of your family was hurt and tortured because the person in my dream who did it wanted get Voldermort back into power by trying to find me to kill me or kill my daughters." As soon Harry said Hermione's name to Ron. Ron said, "Someone wants you dead again and they want to hurt Hermione to get at you and your children just they can bring Voldermort back. That is just wrong, sick and demented. How and where they torturing Hermione?" Harry says, "In the dream I had Cruciatus Curse. I watched it happen. Please tell I am having these dreams for a reason again." Ron says, "I think so, Harry. Every time you these kind of dreams sometimes they come true, but this time it didn't. I am glad about that. I don't anything to Hermione and ruin our marriage. I just losted my sister. I don't want to lose my fiance' and my two baby nieces, Lily and Danielle." Harry says, "I don't want anything to happen to Hermione or Lily or Danielle, my baby daughters. I don't think that I could bear to Hermione as friend I would up losing it, I almost lost it a few days ago. I don't want to my precious little daughters, i would care to live anymore."Ron says, "Harry, don't like that!" Harry says, "I am only saying this if something happpens to Hermione, she is my best friend and she has gotten me through hardest times I ever faced in my life. I just losted my wife, Ginny, your sister, Ron and you are like a brother to me. I miss her so much." Ron says, "I know you do, Harry. I don't want anything bad happening to Hermione because she been my friend too." Harry says to Ron, "You that Lily and Danielle, both have my protection that my mother, Lily gave me when she died protecting from Voldermort and now that I have offspring the Death Eaters know that I have children and they will find a way to bring back Voldermort to power by using my daughters against me. The Death Eaters could kill them to bring Voldermort back and I don't that I have to get my daughters into hiding. I need your help and Hermione's that is the reason why I want you to god-parents to them. I need to Hermione to tell her about the dream had about and the twins and she will terrified."

Harry leaves Ron and heads for Hermione. Hermione says, "What do need, Harry?" Harry says as calmly as possibly, "Hermione, I had another dream, but this one had you and Lily and Danielle being tortured. I saw it happen. I had to come back to make sure the dream wasn't real and coming true." Hermione says as in a shock and her voice trembling, "The Death Eaters must trying to get to you, Harry. They know that you and your daughters are the keys to bringing Voldermort back. Will they try to accomplish it?" Harry says, "Lets not hope so. I am trying my best to stop them and that is why I left in the first place. I don't want put my daughters or you in danger, Hermione. I have to protect the people I love. I losted most of the people I love and don't want to lose anymore." Hermione says, "I know you are right, Harry. I don't want lose any more loved ones either you had a tough life and childhood that you had to face dangers that grown wizards never faced in your 1st year and did stuff your 4th and 5th years." Harry says, "I know. I wish that this wasn't so very hard to do, bu it has to be done and Voldermort's Death Eaters want to come back into my life and ruin it."
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