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Old 04-16-2006, 08:20 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sassi
Sarah thought and said "Herbology is how to learn to look after plants and know what different plants are used for"
Professor Virohsa frowned. "5 pts will be docked by failing to raise your hand. And no, herbology is not about looking over plants, it is about something a bit more".

Originally Posted by TomFeltonLuver
Jordan raised her hand to answer Professor Virohsa's question. "Herbology is the art of combining medicinal herbs." She wasnt sure if her answer was right, but it was worth a shot.

OOC: ...Am I allowed to answer, or should I wait to be called on?
OOC- You have to raise your hand then give your answer on that same post. Editing your post will cause your post to be deleted.

Professor Virohsa nodded. "Very well! 2 pts shall be awarded to Jordan", she added. "Herbology is the mixture of plants for medicinal purposes. Usually these include magical properties", she added.

"We shall start with some things. First of all, give me some examples of some normal and very common maladies and injuries"
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