This one I tried to vary my choice of words a little, to make it sound more like me actually talking. It's a bit more of a narrative than anything I've really done so far... see what you think... even though no one is seeing these AT ALL, haha. Oh My God
One night, somewhere, someplace in the past,
But it really doesn't matter when,
I lay in a bed that seemed colder then,
And regretful tears were falling fast.
I had never felt so entirely lost,
My hopes were about as high as dirt,
I was burned out, turned down and hurt,
And even the happy thoughts came at a cost.
And out of nowhere I started articulating;
Through the bleak and twisted emotional hell,
Came fragments of truth, and things I really felt,
Though random and aimlesss and often reiterating.
I was all alone, naked soul open to the air,
Too vulnerable for human eyes to see,
All my precious secrets dancing out in front of me,
Too painful for loving hearts to bear.
But to have something listening above me!
Something above the human's understanding,
Something above the human's reprimanding,
A perfect, invisible, silent force to love me.
And I said,
"Oh my god,"