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Old 12-28-2003, 11:58 PM   #9 (permalink)
Luffs Lickin' Elbows
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Thank you, have a flower... :flowersmile:


These are the dare requirements:

1. A main character {male} must give a wedding ring to a girl from Slytherin.
2. Someone must then object to this marrage by saying " You cannot marry this Blunder head.
3. Malfoy must sleep walk into Gryffindor girls dormitory and kiss Hermione or any other gryffindor girl on the lips.
4. Dementors must come to hogwarts and Neville must perform a full Potronus { animal of your choice}
5. Cho slaps Harry for no aparent reason while talking about Quiditch
6. The Weasley twins must persuade peeves to put Dung Bombs in Mcgonnagals office.
7. And last but not least some one must say " I thought you liked Malfoy and that you wanted to marry the scumbag" { this must be said to a girl of course}

Ghost Signature brought to you by Amber

Maybe there'll be no more pain,

the day we all go insane.

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