"Cooked food is so overrated" I love it!!! It made me laugh!!!! Hopefully you will get to the meaning of the title!!! *Thinking really hard of something funny to say, can't* I'm not my usual perky self, Its Spring Break. My best material is on school days, but I'll try as hard as I can to be absolutely funny. You I think I'll do a PAMS rant I'm pretty good at those!!! PAMS!!! No PAMS no there can't be no PAMS I'd cry agian. PAMS LIKE A HAM!!! Ham and Pams rhyme!!! I need to come up with more rhyming. OK here it goes........Post it like....toast!!! *happy dance* OK.....PAMS it like Jam!!!!! Can't go wrong with jam......wait a tick.....toast and jam *AH Ha* They are eaten together. I should say toast and JAMS instead of Post and PAMS!!! Yea that'd be uber cool!!! Am I right? I think I am!!!! That'd be awsome!!! Ok can'ts wait to hear more story so TOAST and JAMS!!!!(he he) I think i find myself quite clever!!! TOAST and JAMS!!!!
*M I C K E Y M O U S E*
Um...5 out of 10!!!!