I'm back everybody!!! And I now you all missed me or did you know I was gone? Well, I was gone, went hiking in the Southern part of Indiana. It was kind of fun actually but now I am spending the rest of Spring Break here at home and maybe just maybe get my big lazy but over to the computer and see how ya'll is doin'. Poor Remus, in his wolfy form he reminds me of PAMS MONSTER. But he'd never come after me!!! Oh and I was so complaining about being a Hufflepuff. I mean being a Hufflepuff ain't that bad not as bad as a .......Slytherin *bum bum bom*!!! Being a Slytherin is awsome by the way thank you!!!! You can be bad all the time and paint your finger nails black(VERY SINISTER)!!!! Slytherins have feelings you know!!!! PAMSOISAHHFE!!!! I'm NOT telling you'll what that means!!!! You know I think I'll stay with my regular PAMS!!! Cuz that explains all I feel!!!!! PAMS!!! Awsome stuff really awsome stuff!!!! Can'ts wait for next post!!!! And I think we, your readers on Flavor of the Week, are the craziest people here on SS. I hope we are because that would be AWSOME!!!! Though talking about the PAMS MONSTER was a very very serious time here, because if don't remember I almost died!!!! And what would anyone's life here be like with your loveable Sama right? Right? RIGHT? Somebody better answer me!!!!! Exclamation pionts are awsome aren't they!!!!!!!!!! Yes they are!!!!!!!!! PAMS IT UP!!!!!!!
*Star Wars*
Alright by the way I am now rating my posts!!! And only my posts!!!! I give this post of mine a 7 out of 10!!!! I think the judging here is a little too good but whatever!!! This post I believe is 319 I think!!! Go post 319!!!!
Just checked its post 321!!!! I was way off!!!! But whatever GO 321!!!! Oh and by the way PAMS!!!!!