Oh no is the PAMS MONSTER after you because I have some advice for you!!!! Run while you can!!!! Run run run!!!! PAMS!!!! Oh and by the way I know this is completely and utterly not a place to ask questions about stuff but....I thought you guys could helo me!!!! My question is: Why am I now a Hufflepuff, I used to be a Slytherin and it all of a sudden changed. I don't know why and now my avatar and siggy don't match Hufflepuffs. Sorry but I just wanted to know if you guys knew before I asked them. Anyway PAMS!!!! And have yoodles of fun I know I will because its my Spring break!!!! YAY!!!! And over my break i will be nursing my ear with this story, so...................... do I even need to say it? Yea I do!!!! PAMS!!!!
~Sama~ (Who is now apparently a Hufflepuff)
*Pink Panther music*