Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole
I can't believe you didn't show us the dragons Ali, that's so wrong...I love dragons any time you can write them in you should...
I think you should have written out all of Sirius' adventures...you just told them, but I think it would have been more exciting to read them as a flashback *Ottery is obsessed with flashbacks*
Okay Chapter 10 has me confused? Harry is talking to Wormtail as if he's Voldemort...I would have thought it an accident but you did it throughout the first half of the post...who Harry is he? A doppelganger? 
The dragons, well, if I showed them, then you would have expected the roar.
As for Sirius' flashbacks, who say's they won't come in. Well, that's coz they might be able to be made. But maybe in a separate fic *ideas for lotsa weird stuff*
Ah, it seems that Word has been stupid. I highlight the whole thing and copy, it leaves out a line. Anyway, yeah. At first I was going to make someone else say the words *won't say who, but it's pretty obvious* but then I thought how about do it this way.
Originally Posted by Fortune_Cookie
Suhweet book! lol Wish I had it.

*gives you it* But it's only for dummies, you're not a dummie, are yeh
Originally Posted by danismine
kool book. animagi for dummies

PAMS so we see him opening that present (although i hope nothing bad)
Something bad. Me? I'd never do such a thing.
you wait and see Quote:
Originally Posted by Latinhottie13
very good Ali, I loved it. . .keep it up
Thanks Lottie!

Um, yeah. Post, today, hmm. Maybe, um, ok