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Old 03-29-2006, 08:27 PM   #66 (permalink)
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Chapter 5: One step at a time.

2 months later, Cedric's words had prgressed. Still desperately wanting his life back and wanting to see the young beautiful witch in front of him, who willingly gave her life up for him.

Hermione had agreed to let Harry keep helping her with getting Cedric walking again.

"Hermione, if we get him walking again, how is he going to see?" Harry asked.

Hermione shrugged. "I'll find a way. I promised his parents and I don't plan on backing down now. They need me. CEDRIC needs me." she told him confidently.

Harry nodded and silently watched his best friend stress out over Cedric, wishing he could stop her, but he knew too well that once she got started, there is no way she would stop.

An hour Cedric told Hermione that he wanted to try and walk again, so, calling Harry in to help her, the two helped the Hufflepuff to his feet.

Cedric made a motion with his hand, to tell them to step back, but Hermione kept near him as he walked. He was still blind, but not as much. His vision was still hazy.

Rain fell heavily later that evening, and a deep roll of thunder and a longflash of lightning. Cedric had looked up at the sky through the window as the flash of lightning came. He fell from his chair and curled up into a feotus position, holding his eyes.

"H-Hermione!" he called out.

Hermione who had been in the shower, heard him cry out. She quickly turned off the shower, wrapped her towel around her and slipped into her bath robe to secure the towel. Then rushed out to him. She hugged him, and she felt him relax and untense. Though he was still in agony.

"Hermione ... m-my ... eyes ... are ... stinging. It's ... too painful." he said through deep breaths, trying to calm himself.

Hermione gently pressed her lips to his closed eyelids.

"Better?" she asked, but he shook his head, no.

Hermione looked confused and went to stand up to consult a book when Cedric slowly opened his eyes, sat up and entwined his hand in hers while his other arm snaked around her and pulled her into a hug, making her jump. She looked behind her into his grey eyes, which were shining brightly and beautifully. She completed the hug by wrapping her own arms around him. He picked her up into his arms and twirled her around, the couple laughing. He set her back onto the ground. They were still laughing when Harry walked into the Common Room.

"Back to normal is he?" he asked slightly amused.

The pair stopped alomst immediately, blushing.

"Well ... all we have to conentrate on now is the speech and the stediness on his feet." Hermione said quickly, the colour not disappearing from her cheeks.

"That's an improvement." Harry said, smirking at his best friend's embarrassment. "You won't get all of that done by the time school's over. We only have a month and 2 weeks."

Hermione nodded. "We can still talk to each other though. We can hear each other's thoughts. That's how I found out he was alive. He spoke to me." she said for the first time since the arguement with Cedric's dad.


Sorry, the next part will be posted tomorrow, AOL will cut me off now, so cya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx
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