Professor Ganymede Craft's Office A solid block of polished oak sits flat against the floor in the center of a stone walled window-less room. It is the desk. Nothing can get under or inside it. A silver framed portrait of a pack of wolves in a sunny forest is hung on the wall above a wooden trunk encrusted with dirt which sits behind the simple desk. On the side of the dirty wooden trunk is the easily recognized Hogwarts Crest. The only light in the small room comes from a two sets of thick purple candles on either side of the wooden desk, causing the room to have a haunted feeling. In one corner sits a broom, a recent model of the Comet brand. It looks nearly brand new except for a few tufts of dirt on the bristles. In another corner is a shabby wooden crate covered with an old slytherin school robe. Several glittering chains encase the entire crate. They vibrate as if under an enchantment. In front of the simple desk is a squat black leather couch. Behind the desk is un uncomfortable looking wooden stool. Finally, a tall shelf resides against the wall next to the mysterious crate. On the shelf are small silver frames filled with pictures of what appears to be former students. One of them shows the Professor with some others waving, on what looks like the school train. Another shows the Eiffel tower in the background and a tall long haired boy smiling. In another picture shows another boy glaring. Obviously not wanting his picture taken, his dark eyed stare penetrates the room. On the shelf above these are two more frames, both a deep green. In one of the deep green frames is a young girl with tall hair. Her orange robes stand out against the dark background of the picture, she waves encouragingly. The final deep green frame is filled with a picture of a thin older man, nearly bald, with fancy glittering robes and many gold rings on. His right hand makes a series of odd movements over and over again. The glass of the frame is cracked horrible at the top left coner, as if it fell or was thrown once. A thick photo album sits on the second shelf beside a jar of rat spleens. Professor Ganymede Craft stands near the mysterious crate, her hands rummaging underneath the old school robe that covers it, not once affected by the enchanted chains. |