Irish eyes || Nanny McPhee
Breakfast at the Young house was always an adventure. Even though it was only Elijah, his twin sister Ashley (in Hufflepuff House) and his mother and father, it always seemed like there were 50 people seated around the table whenever a meal was being eaten.
Throughout this entire escapade Elijah found himself nodding and saying a lot of "Mm hmm's" and "Yes mother's". Bless her heart, he thought, but the woman needs to get a grip on things; I'm not a child anymore .
Breakfast ended and Elijah bounded up the stairs, two at a time to see if perhaps now he'd recieved a letter from Kay. Well Haratio was back, but he had nothing, not even a scrap piece of parchment stuck in his feathers. "What's the deal, Haratio?" he asked. "You are supposed to have at least some small reply from Kay." The bird hooted deeply for a solitare response.
Elijah sighed heavily.
Having had enough of the morning's occurences, Elijah packed up his messenger bag with the things he would need as the day progressed. His attire consisted of a grey sweater, dark denim trousers and brown shoes. "Wow I definately scream 'Muggle Born'," he said more or less to himslef as he checked the mirror to try and flatten his unmanageable hair. "See you later, Haratio," he finally said walking out of his bedroom, and down the stairs. He bid his family goodbye and started off on his way to Diagon Alley