Lovely absolutely lovely. I love couple stuff its always so cute!!!! *Ahhhhhhh* That James you have to love him. I can't wait for the next post!!!! I'm feelin lazy today so I feel like reading but I will eventually have to go to *bom bom bum* student lead conferencing. It should be absolutely horrible though I am a good student. But whatever...PAMS!!! PAMS!!! Oh no oh its after me its the its the.........................the PAMS monster.
PAMS monster- its after you when you want to hear more of a story. And then if there isn't story then it...then it...well it eats you.........alive!!!!! *oh no oh no*
Yes its true *gasps* it really is I can prove it if you don't post it'll come for ME!!!!! And you wouldn't want that to happen would you?????? I don't so if you would plzzzzzzzz post soon. I don't want to be eaten by the PAMS monster. PAMS!!!(I calling to it)
*Hogwarts Hogwarts Hoggy Wartty Hogwarts Teach us something please.....*