Runs With Vampires Jacques snored. He was having a brilliant dream about an all-girl quidditch team who wanted him to coach them. He slept only in his boxers because otherwise it just got too hot. The Train journey to Marianne's house the night before had been tiring, but altogether uneventful. Marianne glanced at her watch again. If that lazy little brother of hers wasn't up by now he'd make her late to open the shop. Oh how she hated to be late. It was time for drastic measures. Marianne strode down the hallway of her small flat and flung open Jacques's bedroom door.
"GET UP NOW" she yelled, pointing her wand at the curtains and forcing them to open, letting the bright early morning sunshine in.
"You have 5 minutes to get ready" she snarled and headed back to the kitchen to finish her coffee. Jacques's initial reaction to Marianne's barging into his room was to scream. He'd been rather jumpy since the Mithos incident. He managed not to scream, instead scrambling to pull the covers up to his neck and glare at his sister. Didn't she know how to knock?? He decided to have a talk with her about a little thing he liked to call privacy... but by that stage she'd already stormed off.
Deciding now was a good time to be getting up anyway, Jacques stood and wandered over to the bathroom, absentmindedly scratching his stomach. After having a quick shower and checking in the mirror that he looked okay, Jacques pulled on jeans and a sweater and went into the kitchen. "Ready are we?" Marianne said. "Well lets get going then". With that she grabbed Jacques hand and before he had a moment to object they dissapparated to Diagon Alley.
athousandpieces on Tumblr : TPer for Life! : DFTBA |